Monday, November 14, 2011

In Search of...what to say when there are no words

I've been at a loss lately to find words, which is really not a good thing when you're a writer of any kind. It started with phrases that seemed perfunctory, like "I'm so sorry about the loss of your father," or "my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family." But by the time I heard today that someone lost their teenage son, even those phrases seemed shallow and meaningless, and I began to think about exactly what thoughts and prayers I wanted to be with people going through such unimaginable pain and loss.

So for those of you keeping vigil at hospital bedsides, for those who have lost what no amount of time will ever truly heal, for those grieving and trying to go on with their lives day by day one breath at a time, I offer to hold you consciously in a sacred place where all is love, where all is peace, and where all is well and solace resides.

I ask that we all honor the memories of those who have left their earthly bodies by celebrating the sanctity of our brief and wondrous time here. I pray that each and every one of our losses serves to make us more compassionate to others, more appreciative of life's brevity and inherent beauty, and more noble in our pursuit of what truly matters to us in the scheme of eternity.

Those are the thoughts and prayers I offer up today with the belief that a loving God can comfort in ways my own words cannot.

Thanks for stopping by. Peace and Blessings to all.

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