I woke up this morning knowing it was Sunday - politics day on my blog. The only thing is it's been politics as usual this week.
We've seen Cheney give a press conference, trying to scare the crap out of the American people, we saw Obama sign a credit card bill into law - which I'll get back to in a minute, and then give his own press conference to basically try and shift the focus back to the current administration, and we heard speculation and grumbling about potential Supreme Court nominees. So really, what's new? And, oh yeah, California is bankrupt.
I don't know about you, but I really wish Dick Cheney would just go back to shooting his friends in the face and leave the rest of us alone. He has nothing constructive to add. In fact, he was the chief orchestrator of all the messes we're in now, so I think it's time he takes all his ill gotten Halliburton oil money that was procured at the expense of human lives, and go stimulate the economy by shopping mail order from a distant rocking chair somewhere far, far away where no reporters can pick up his mumbling. We're done with you, Dick.
As for the credit card bill - it's about time! Enforcing it is going to be interesting, but this is what is necessary to at least begin to restructure our entire economy. All the crazy interest rates, and changes in interest rates, and applying your monthly payment to the lowest instead of the highest interest rate, and then doing away with the lowest so that you can never pay it off must be stopped. It's ridiculous. The banking industry is arguing that they'll lose money to the point where they won't be able to extend credit, and frankly this is just silly. While it's true that they may have to stop extending credit to a college sophomore who wants a flat screen for their dorm room and has no means of paying it back, it is also true that for responsible people who would rather pay off their debt than default, it will remove the stranglehold imposed by impossible interest rates and fees and increase the banks' chances of actual payback. This means that everyone will have to live more responsibly - both the consumer as well as the banking industry, and that is a very good thing.
Now to the Supreme Court debate. Frankly, I don't know the names and positions of the short list that's being considered, however - and I'm just putting it out there - I hope whoever it is is a young and healthy pro-choice, civil liberties loving, environmentally friendly constitutional scholar with integrity and tenacity beyond question. I hope they are wise and discerning, principled and competent. I hope they bring not only the fair and reasonable application of law to the table, but also their better angels. That is my hope for the future of the Supreme Court and of our country. Come to think of it, I wish all our elected officials would bring the same things, but that's unlikely since anyone can run for office.
California, oh California. Is it more bankrupt than the rest of the states because it's bigger? I can't imagine that the state that houses Disneyland and the gazillion dollar film industry has no money. Perhaps I should actually do some investigating before commenting on this. Hey, that's a great idea! Maybe the media should do that as well from time to time! Speaking of which, wouldn't I be a great guest on George Stephanopoulos's round table?! I have no credentials but a great deal of sarcasm, and I think that should count for something. So George, come on...do a gal a favor.
While I go investigate California's financial woes, I want to thank all of you trusty readers for getting my little stat counter past the one thousand mark. I'm feeling wildly optimistic about it, so thank you so much for stopping by, and please tell your friends.
I could read your politics all day! GOOO ILENE! And C'mon George.....how bout that round table with Ilene Angel?